uavfun db - software


UAV GroundStation

Coming soon: free UAV Ground Station software. Can be customized to work with almost any plane.

More Screenshots and Info

Download Test Version

Version 0.1 will let you play with a GPS connected to the serial port. Maps are supported but none are included; you will have to find your own. Any .BMP image will work as long as you know the coordinates of the corners.

Please read README.TXT. The program is still a little unstable and it may take a little fiddling to get it working.

Download UAV GroundStation (410 KB)

A few screenshots

Gauges transparent, window opaque. Notice that the background image shows through. This was running on a laptop with a usb-to-serial adapter. The adapter is unplugged which is why there are error messages.

Gauge backgrounds opaque but window transparent

this uavfun database page was last updated jun 10 2003